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(2 edits)

i hope those people who harrassed cubemasterpro are in the most terrible state known to man kind


These people did un-acceptable behavior

Could you possibly try archiving garfelf's guide into the field. i dont know if you could but.

Where is Garfielf`s Guide Robotic Disaster?

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robotic disaster is the one that says GARFELF 5. what's missing is Garfelf's guide into the field



Thank you for archiving this legendary series.

your welcome

i cant find a mod menu for garfielf's guide but i remember a mod menu for it

holy shit i was in this oh my god and also i did not say i heard that form somewhere that not longer exist and i edited the description because i don't want users to think i am lying so yea i edited but since it's showed here in video it's forever

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Thank You! for reupload

Thank you for re-uploading this. Do you know if CubeMasterPro is alright or not?

well i mean he's gone so he alright

Deleted post

You Have Garfelf basic The Unfinished DEMO ?

no i did not have that and also is that lost media


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Hi martin the goof games,this is was a long time,so i think you should tell me the password for opening barry's basics games,and by the way i think you should reupload all of them in your page,because bryan finally stop.

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they're restricted i may unrestricted them bryan stopped for now also they not gone ther pages are just restricted before i made them public agian

yes i know but can you tell the password for opening this games?

do you realize the games are now back

oh ok


i Found a Link of Garfelf 7 Reuploaded on Game Jolt, if You Want To Reupload This on You're Game Page


oh ok

(3 edits)

hi martin guess what happend to me yesterday?I got fucking puted in time out for 2 fucking days by fucking bryan,he put me in time out,tomorrow i will be allowed to come back on gamejolt,i just hate bryan you know,and i want him gone forever from internet and social media of his

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wow he did that ok we know

what the hell OH MY GAWD

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hi martin the goof games,what happen to all barry's basics series you delete them or no?Because i didn't see them in your page

i restricted them instead but you reupload them on gamejolt when they still exist on this site is way too much then

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it ask me for password and i can't open them,tell what password i should type to open this games

that's what restricted pages work and also for the passwords i tell you that later


omg why your game got trashed tell me martin what the happend ?

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oh they are not gone i RESTRICTED them for unitl bryan_YT stops for good

and also do you seriously bring the word trashed in this site this is not gamebanana and do you mean series

yes barry basic what the happend why got trashed

didn't i already told you i restricted the mods my self and also this and not fucking gamebanana they still exist but require a password for them

oh ok

Martin The Goof Games, I'll give you a hint on how to compress Into the Field, just watch this video

ok i will

Martin The Goof Games, could you post a manual for garfelf in the field? I know that it weighs a lot more, but you can how to compress it.

ok i will

Thank you, I just thought all the Garfelf Guide games were part of Lost Media. But no, all games are found except "Into the field"

oh ok then i know that cube deleted his old videos they are Lost Media too so your not wrong about that

Ok, I wonder why he deleted his channel and his games?

Have Reuploaded Garfield 7

thanks? do you mean garfelf guide into the field and it's file is too big for this

wow it's need a theme redesign B)

also garflef got blacklisted what the hell just happen

hey DylanMoore5008246 i thank riping off cupgabriel's mods

Deleted post

oh ok

Yay @Martin The Goof Games

yea to what?

Make Barry S2 Please Martin The Goof Game

ok when i done with the sounds it's just EP 1 right this guy reskined garfelf guide

Deleted 286 days ago

yea me too



i know that i about to go to something i even made a post in barry 6 page really

but please repluoad it

(1 edit)

ok but i well try if not then no

(edit:it did not worked)

i know


where garfelf's guide 7?

it's too big to upload to right?

(1 edit)

the Collection has been completed except for garfelf guide 7 (garfelf into the fired) why the file size is too big to upload to and also SupergumballdorianFugate exported the textrues and use unityEX for sharedassets2 & 5 so people can vandalize the mod like what the fuck the OG page is gone that is fucking bad.

try repluoad garfelf's guide and the secret within momo dlc


can you repluoad garfelf's guide 5,6 and 7?

(1 edit)

ok i well try (edit:garfelf guide 7 is too big to upload)

hello martin the goof games

hello again

ok now i added garfelf guide 3 & 4

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hey Cup-Gabriel is garfelf guide 4 in your trash bin

just asking

Well, actually, my computer anti-virus thought Garfelf 4 was a virus and then deleted it... (My anti-virus is so fucking dumb bruh)

oh thats bad and i don't have garfelf guide 4 someone may try to reupload all the garfelf games unit then i may make something

Hi! I just want to let you know that me and my friends already re-uploaded Garfelf's Guide on GameJolt! But we didn't re-upload Garfelf 4... So... Can you re-upload Garfelf 4?

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ok but it be hard because i got garfelf 1 & 2 form GreatPushiModder  reupload folder but it was gone i was going to reupload it to the Collection and etc so if anyone made a mediafire links to the garfelf guide series i well reupload garfelf 3-4 right i like to put a collection of all the games of the garfelf guide series so yea

try repluoad garfelf's guide 3 and garfelf's guide 4 again

ok i well try


guys I am unfortunately not put garfelf 3 & 4 the source i got them form

it's the GreatPushiModder  reuploads but it's gone i am sorry but i may work on something

hey guys the page is up but garfelf guide 3 & 4 are coming