thanks time put the final chapter to work here if you don't know when i got the problem with unityEX i edited the textrues and fixed some things before i turning it into the final chapter and why and i say to ewmurzin77 ask me how I do the sounds
"i may do that if i can but CupG thanks the 6th game a final chapter well that may work in the barry story when barry is dead and the player get out harry blue
who's in barry 4 is here for a final take of the system and let him off to a different world due to the Dimension he in it's glitching badly if that happen barry 7 is a season 2 a sequel series to the OG series basically it's a into the fired but with a twist and barry's basics series maybe dead when the 6th game get out and i use UnityEX the zip file one or a older version" so no barry 7 next year because i done with the main line series basically so yea.
thanks because 6 games is it's enough for this year basically and the 6th game Dimension takes in the same one form the games 3 and 4 but the main Dimension gone by golden barry when the player got in the hosue in the apocalypse.
so i may make a original Mod when i done with barry basics 5 and
ewmurzin77 you better change your username, because this is your e-mail. You Will get hacked If you don't change your username sorry i deleted a post before this one...
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The music sound cool scp
i know that dam it
that's Bar-Droid the barry bot in the mod is Barry_Bot 2.0
Can You Make A DLC Of Barry's Basics 5 Please
ok? i don't know that will work.
everyone i update the game it's just one textrue right also the 1st ver of the game is form oct 1 2021
And Can You Add Secrect Codes In Barry's Basics And A Heck Mod Please
no i don't think doing that
it's looks creepy but fine at the same time
Can You Update This mod
i did maybe a later update if you stop racist basford
i am sorry i don't edited the code
i know i just tell Sonic the hedhog that the code are not done..... i really need to update this mod do i
i know i may make more mods then updateing them
yea and i watch your video and I posting replys
good that fine
I want to see the secret ending
oh ok i well here's this
There you go Martin, i played Barry's Basics 5:
Now i'm going to wait Barry's Basics 6 to be released.thanks time put the final chapter to work here if you don't know when i got the problem with unityEX i edited the textrues and fixed some things before i turning it into the final chapter and why and i say to ewmurzin77 ask me how I do the sounds
"i may do that if i can but CupG thanks the 6th game a final chapter well that may work in the barry story when barry is dead and the player get out harry blue
who's in barry 4 is here for a final take of the system and let him off to a different world due to the Dimension he in it's glitching badly if that happen barry 7 is a season 2 a sequel series to the OG series basically it's a into the fired but with a twist and barry's basics series maybe dead when the 6th game get out and i use UnityEX the zip file one or a older version" so no barry 7 next year because i done with the main line series basically so yea.
thanks because 6 games is it's enough for this year basically and the 6th game Dimension takes in the same one form the games 3 and 4 but the main Dimension gone by golden barry when the player got in the hosue in the apocalypse.
Can You Add Secret Codes In Barrys Basics 5
Secret Ending 5500 Dark Mode 666
The Power well be restored 1995 Please
oh it's that good code for the game that i need to update this you ass-fuck
ok i well be stop work with barry basics 6 and make a update 1.1 so you stop being a dumb fucker you hear me
no shut up you stupid a****** your fucked your never change your never be save for the rest of your time on
maybe in the 2.0 update but now fucking stop
it's too long time, when you not making barry's basics 6?
don't don't worry I am coming with that
when you start making barry's basics 6?
idk now
hello martin the goof games
note:golden barry lines is a bit long but i may retake it ok i may work on something new.
why hmm i remaking the mod into barry's basics: the foundation
it's still be barry basics 5 but i now remaking the mod before upload to
for a demo when the game ok
what do you thank it going on a Hiatus for when done with updated barry basics games
sorry it going on a hiatus
do you want a remaster of berry's basics 1-4 before berry's 5
когда появится кнопка download?
when the mod is done.
ответь мне пожалуйста
i am here
Но я знаю,что ты обновил эту игру
no i did not
когда выйдет игра основы барри 5?
it's barry's basics code_name disaster
Кстати ,в Основы Барри 4 надо изменить звуки швабры
oh ok i thank that
Привет Martin the goof games
ну пожалуйста ответь мне
pls it need to be done
ну скажи мне пожалуйста когда выйдет полная игра основы барри 5?
привет martin the goof games
теперь ты знаешь когда выйдет полная игра основы барри 5?
Теперь ты знаешь когда выйдет полная игра основы барри 5?
barry's basics foundation? it's named code_name disaster!
ну я по крайне мере жду полную игру
thank you
ты не знаешь когда выйдет полная игра основы барри 5?
idk when the mod is done